Find likeminded people and immerse yourself
Having other people around is always nice...

They say the fastest way to becoming a millionaire is to hang out with billionaires, Not because they will give you their money, but because their mindsets and ideas will rub off on you, and you will in turn start doing things that will work in your favor when reaching, in this case, financial freedom.
If you take a look at your 5 closest friends, there is quite a high risk that you all have the same values and mindsets. This can be a bad thing if you’re trying to improve, as their mindsets might not be the optimal ones for succeeding and they will hold you back.
I’m not saying that you should ditch your friends because of this, but you should be aware that what they are doing might not be the best way. Friends and Family can often hold people back from reaching success with their limiting beliefs and mindsets.
When you want to effectively learn something in any field you should immerse yourself in the subject totally. This way you will constantly and quickly improve yourself while staying motivated to do so.
This applies for self-development and all other areas of life. If you want to learn and stay motivated you should find like minded people who will motivate you on your journey.
Better yet, to stay even more motivated is to surround yourself by people who are already successful in the area you’re interested in. You should try to hang around people who are:
- On your own level
- Above your level.
They are the ones obviously doing things that work. By surrounding yourself with them you will start mimicking their behaviors and therefore reach their level of success.
Later on when you are succeeding you should also hang out with people on a level below you so that you, in turn, can help them reach your level.
Where to find like-minded people?
Back in the days it could be quite hard to find people who had the same vision and hopes as yourself. They had to start out somewhere where these people met and then build a network from there.
You, on the other hand, with the help of social media can easily go onto Facebook and search for groups that are in the same area as you’re interested in.
By utilizing Facebook and joining groups where like minded people are discussing and hanging out you will be more immersed in the ideas relevant to that subject.
Your feed will start showing discussions, motivational quotes and articles about the subject instead of having to only look at your friends vacation pictures (read why Facebook can be bad for your self-esteem).
This constant “bombardment” of things related to the subject will make you think more deeply about it. You will learn new things, and it will definitely motivate you to keep working hard towards reaching your goals
Some of my favorite groups on Facebook for personal development:
Be aware that some of these groups (strikethough links) are not moderated well enough and some of the posts are just self-promotion of products and people trying to sell you stuff.. It’s quite easy to see through though so you just have to be a bit smart 😉
Update: I had a chat with some friends interested in personal development and we realized that the groups out there are way too crowded with spammers so we decided to start our own value-driven Facebook group for the purpose of sharing Personal Development related stuff =) This way we can limit the amount of spam.